Medical Clearance
(Start ASAP)
Physical ASAP
Everythoing Completed: July 31 Deadline
Print forms here of within the sportsware (swol123.net) program>>>
Cardiac clearance for ALL student-athletes every year>>>
Sickle Cell form 1 time for all student-athletes>>>
Asthma / ADHD forms are only for athletes that use medicines for>>> Link for forms below
Here is how to start to clearance from a athletic perspective, remember this is a different process then housing for the university: We recommend starting this ASAP and completing it early summer. We also recommend completing this on a computer and not a cell phone.
Pete Algarin is our athletic trainer. Please reach out to him at algarinp@wcsu.edu
The starting point is: Click on this website https://www.swol123.net - Hit ‘Join SportsWare’ the third option down. School ID is ‘WestConnWolves’. Put in Name, Email and the group is ‘W.C.S.U Athletics’. Once you submit email football@wcsu.edu and let us know you have completed this. Our staff will then accept you, but it may take a day for this to happen.
You can click on our website for full instructions, but follow the necessary steps below: WestConn Medical Clearance - Western Connecticut State University (westconnathletics.com)
- Must complete: General Info, Address, Emergency Contact, Insurance Information, Medical History Questionnaire and sign 6 Form Attachments. Note: if you answer YES to any question on the Medical History Questionnaire, you must provide a explanation in the adjacent box.
- Also you must upload our WCSU Athletic Physical (Link Above) signed and stamped on both pages by your Dr between the dates March – August 1st 2024. Please note that the medical evaluation must be performed by a MD/DO.
- When uploading insurance information, you must provide account information as well as the front and back of your personal card. Note: If you have connecticut husky insurance, you must log onto Access Health Ct to provide a screenshot of your coverage dates.
- Above is our Sickle Cell link and PDF to this email that your Dr must show a positive or negative result, if they don’t have a result on file, it will require a blood test at quest: See attachment (Sickle Cell)
-Also need to get cardiac clearance, everyone- every year (form attached). This must also be signed by an MD/DO.
- Lastly, if you take any ADD/ADHD med, Asthma/Anaphylaxis med, or Anabolic agents or PED’s, please fill out the appropriate form that is attached on this link: https://westconnathletics.com/sports/2020/4/28/information-WestConn-Medical-Clearance.aspx