Medical Clearance
(Start ASAP)
Physical by June 30- recommended
Sportsware w/physical: July 31 Deadline
Time Stamps
00:00 Introduction
00:35 Signing Up for Sportsware (www.swol123.net)
01:28 Step 1: My Info Tab
03:42 Step 2: Medical History Tab
04:36 Step 3: Forms
05:15 (Finding how to get Sports Physical Form in formssection and how to upload it back)
07:05 Sickle Cell form (required by everyone)
07:35 ADHD/Asthma-Inhaler/Epi-Pen- any banned medication (for those that it applies)
08:40 Husky or Medicaid insurance (MUST DO- if you have HUSKY or Medicaid insurance)
All student-athletes are required to complete a medical clearance process called Sportsware to be eligible to compete athletically. This process is in addition to the form that all incoming students need to complete to attend Western Connecticut that was included in your acceptance package. We have included a complete step by step 9 minute video below to walk you through this process. We recommend you watch the video in its entirety first before beginning this process.
The Sportsware process starts with creating an online athletic profile that can be accessed by the student-athlete and the athletic trainers. This site will include a medical history of your student-athlete that needs to be created from scratch. It is also the area where your insurance card and information needs to be uploaded and always updated. The address for the
website is www.swol123.net. The School ID for this site is: colonial After initially signing up, you will have to be accepted by an athletic trainer by email to continue. Within 48 hours you will receive an email back from the trainers that allows you to continue the process. When you create your password after being accepted by the athletic trainers- they recommend you use your WCSU Student ID number- (example: 50201144).
All first time student-athletes are required to have a sports physical no sooner than 6 months prior to the start of the competition season. For example Football starts on August 13, so their initial sports physical must be no sooner than Feb 13th of the same calendar year. The actual form brought to the physical MUST be downloaded from the SPORTSWARE (swol123.net) site and uploaded back to the site. SIGN UP FOR PHYSICAL ASAP. IT MAY BE CHALLENGING TO GET AN APPOINTMENT.
Additionally student-athletes will have to fill out additional forms IF they have been diagnosed with ADHD, Asthma or a banned medication by the NCAA (epi-pen, etc.). Once again these forms can be found and printed from the westconnathletics.com website (not Sportsware) under MEDICAL CLEARANCE (link) https://westconnathletics.com/information/WestConn_Medical_Clearance After having these forms completed you then must labeled them and upload them to Sportsware in the Forms section of Sportsware..
All student-athletes MUST have their insurance cards uploaded to the site in the insurance section. If you currently use Connecticut HUSKY insurance there is an additional step you must complete to verify your coverage.
We have provided a detailed step by step process in these videos on how to complete the clearance process. As long as you schedule your physical well in advance of the start of your season- this should be a seamless process.